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City commission to revisit emergency ordinance Monday

April 3, 2020–8:40 a.m.


The Rome City Commission will hold a called meeting next week to revisit an emergency declaration requiring city residents to stay home, with some exceptions.

Those exceptions include workers in essential services such as healthcare, public services, grocery stores, restaurants (curbside and drive-thru only) and some manufacturing facilities.

Rome City Manager Sammy Rich said there have been a lot of questions about what is considered an essential business.

“Part of my role as here as city manager has been to work through any ambiguity to try to help figure out,” he said.  “In consultation with our staff and our city attorney, we’ve had to make some decisions and some determinations.  Those have created some questions in the community, and rightfully so, with some of the businesses.  So, the goal has been that we need to tighten up the order a little bit.”

The current ‘shelter in place’ ordinance is set to expire on April 7.  However, that could change in light of a statewide order which will be in effect at least until April 13.

“My goal is to get my hands on the governor’s to make some comparisons as to how it relates to what we are doing here in Rome,” Rich added.  “Once I am able to do that, I’ll have a better idea of where we need to go with our order in terms of next week.”

The called Rome City Commission will be held on Monday at 2:30 p.m.